To serve you better, we've assembled a list of our customers' most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact us.
I am having an issue with my pump and it's after hours, what do I do?
Please call the office and leave a message with the issue that you are having. We have personnel on call after hours and on weekends and holidays. Do not wait until we are back in the office if you believe this is an emergency.
What do I do if I am experiencing slow drains?
Contact our office first, and we will see if the slow drains are being caused by an issue that we can fix. If this does not have anything to do with sewer, you will need to contact a plumber.
Why is my red light flashing, do I need to call someone?
There could be an issue with your pump that needs fixed, we do not get notified when the red light is flashing. Please contact our office during normal business hours and if after hours, leave us a message.
I am using flushable wipes, are these okay to use?
Although products state that they are flushable, they are prohibited from being disposed in sanitary sewer. Wipes can clog the pumps, creating backups on the system and cause considerable damage to the pumps.
Why do I have a previous balance when I know I sent in my payment?
We may have received it after the due date or we may not have received it at all. Call our office and we will help you solve the problem.